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heal little me


1:1 coaching to heal the places inside that hurt

 meditation, mindfulness, and  tools of spiritual psychology 


"Healing is the application of loving to the places inside us that are hurting."

ron & mary Hulnick, directors at usm

is this program right for me?


  • you're craving deep support & authentic healing


  • you long for peace of mind, a meditation routine & mindfulness rituals 


  • therapy was alright but you're looking for something different, more spiritual & action-oriented 


  • you're DONE with old patterns & limiting stories. you neeeeed to know your life without these


  • your childhood was rocky & you know that "Little Me" desires healing & support 


  • there's a voice in your head that's keeping you small... "Little Me" ego voice


  • you find yourself in that same funk over & over & over again. you're ready to face this damn thing head on


  • you're open to the world of woo but a leeettle bit of a skeptic 


  • your heart twinkles thinking of having your own modern-day spiritual guide 


Early Bird Bonuses OVER $700 of VALUE! 

$300 off

mmhmm an extra $300 off when you sign up this week

extra Session

one extra 50 min session with Michelle a $170 value!

90 minute deep dive

this session includes reiki, a channeled guided meditation & spiritual coaching $250 value

What's included?

Hi, I'm Michelle aka Michy

I've been practicing meditation for the last 10 years and have build my business honoring my inner-wisdom + younger-self.

The name Mindful Michy didn't come from just anywhere it came from years of going inside, healing old wounds and quieting that anxious mind. Michy is my childhood nickname and mindfulness is, well, my savior.


I had a rocky childhood, that I am very grateful for. I was diagnosed with a learning disability, my mom was diagnosed bipolar, my parents got divorced, nannies were in and out, and I was throwing tantrums in some corner of the house. Let's just say home was rarely, well, peaceful but it was the unsettling high, highs & low, lows that taught me most.



Today, I am a spiritual psychology coach and meditation facilitator. I use my beautiful brain and god-given gifts to help womxn around the world heal & step into their truest form. Through childhood healing, I learned my brain is vibrant and beautiful (rather than disabled). I see, feel and sense things that other people don't!



More on my cred: I studied Advanced Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. I made my way throughout India and got certified in Kundalini Yoga and more recently I became certified in Mindfulness and Wellbeing Strategy through UPEACE Centre of Executive Education. Today, I bring all these experiences and learnings together to build out programming that is both grounded and mystical.



I am so excited to talk to you! Feel free to dm me on Instagram @mindfulmichy





  • 1:1 weekly support for three months


  • 10 + theta healing guided meditations to heal childhood memories


  • reparenting practices & tools for identifying misbelief​s


  • the gestalt approach to look at disowned aspects of self


  • one 90 min deep-dive call


  • twelve 50 min virtual sessions

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